Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Review; Snowboarder

     This article was really inspiring to me because I am a skier and I can relate to her crash and her struggle for finances. I have had similar crashes and I also have trouble going skiing sometimes because my finances are low. I really feel like this story is a really inspiring and really cool. She, to me, is a really inspiring person because she has been through so much and it makes you think of how hard your life really could be. I think that the worst part about it all is that she was off by fractions of a second of qualifying for the Olympics right before her accident. That to me would be the worst part because you would always be thinking “what if...” which would make me go insane because I would like to change the past. This article also inspires me to never give up because I can see from her experiences that even though times might me bad you can always pull through and come back from failures. I think that her failures that were mentioned were really bad compared to what the more people experience in their everyday life because they were so huge but to me that itself inspires me to get past the small failures.

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