Thursday, February 10, 2011

When is it O.K to do homework?

When I get picked up from schoool I go right to lacrosse and I get back around 5:30 and then I have a shower. Usually I am pretty tired and it is hard for me to stay awake. I have a hard time trying to stay awake to do my homework. For me it is a real struggle to balance my lacrosse life with my sleep/homework schedule.
          I like to get my homework done and I like to do a good job to but I cant concentrate when I am tired and sleepy. I still keep up on my homework and I still do ok with

For example, today I have a lot of homework and I have a hard day of lacrosse coming up and I dont know how I am going to get finished tonight. I know that in the end I will finish and I will probably get a good grade too but I am getting stressed. I have to do maybe a couple of hours of homework and I  am just worried about how late I am going to have to stay up because I have tests tomorrow.

I know that I will end out being ok and get to bed and live through tomorrow but I just have one question for anybody that is reading this. What do you do in a situation like this where you have to go and work out and be tired and then go home and have to do more work. I know that soundslike it would be and easy answer but if you actually look at the situation I think you will feel the same way that I do... OVERWORKED!

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