Friday, February 25, 2011

Biography on Jim Henson

Jim Henson was a famous puppeteer known mainly for his creation of the Muppets. He is my favorite dead famous person because he is such a good combonation of artistic and television work, which are two things I might like to do when I grow up.

He was born on september 24, 1936 in mississippi and grew up in a somewhat poor family. Even though he started out with a bad life he worked his way up and found his talent in pupet-making. This discovery led to his first creation that would lead him to a life of fame

You may be wondering what his first creation was, well you may know this puppet as Kermet the frog. This is the perfect example of how you can change your life because of one little thing. I mean, who doesnt know who Kermet the frog is?

After his creation of Kermit he became famous for his puppet-making and puppeteering. He created his famous Muppets slowly after that. He then became more and more famous as he started making shows with his creations starring as the main characters. These shows are also famously known. These are shows such as sesame street. Probably the most famous one of his shows.

Those were just some reasons why I chose him and why I chose him for my bigraphy. He is such an insparation and I always strive to become a person like him. He was an amazing person and he will always be remembered at least by me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Why do DVDs have trailers?

I was sick for the past two days and I was watching some old movies and I realized that all of the movies have trailers. That is so frustrating! I realized that needs to change.

I was watching an old movie and I saw all of these old movies that I have never herd of. I think that is so dumb of the movie companies because if they allow trailers on their movie they are known as, "that movie with all of the wierd trailers". I totally disagree with the whole idea of trailers becasue they are, at least in my opinion, totally ridiculous.

One good example of a movie that does NOT have trailers is Avatar. I remember an interview with James Cameron that I watched and he said that if he had allowed trailers then it would take away from the entire movie. That is exactally how I feel about trailers... They are a big take away from the movie itself.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism?

In my reading of this article I found that this article is comletely wrong. I noticed that when it states that blogging isnt journalism it says that blogging is a tool and is not used to get news. I find that completely wrong. Here is just one reason why I think that.

People who say that jounalism is defined by the way that it is transfered through the media are wrong because in times now it is all transferred through the internet and television. In the article it also says that T.V stations are just like blogging... a tool. In my case when I think of news I think of T.V. That just shows how the times have changed. I also think that blogs are a better source for opinionated journalism because the media that is only in the newspapers and even television is completely opinionless.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

When is it O.K to do homework?

When I get picked up from schoool I go right to lacrosse and I get back around 5:30 and then I have a shower. Usually I am pretty tired and it is hard for me to stay awake. I have a hard time trying to stay awake to do my homework. For me it is a real struggle to balance my lacrosse life with my sleep/homework schedule.
          I like to get my homework done and I like to do a good job to but I cant concentrate when I am tired and sleepy. I still keep up on my homework and I still do ok with

For example, today I have a lot of homework and I have a hard day of lacrosse coming up and I dont know how I am going to get finished tonight. I know that in the end I will finish and I will probably get a good grade too but I am getting stressed. I have to do maybe a couple of hours of homework and I  am just worried about how late I am going to have to stay up because I have tests tomorrow.

I know that I will end out being ok and get to bed and live through tomorrow but I just have one question for anybody that is reading this. What do you do in a situation like this where you have to go and work out and be tired and then go home and have to do more work. I know that soundslike it would be and easy answer but if you actually look at the situation I think you will feel the same way that I do... OVERWORKED!